I have been absent.... I have NOT forgotten I have a blog.... I love reading others blogs... I like keeping up with those who I now "know" through blogs... but... I'm in finals mode.... When I am done... I will be reading and commenting... and hopefully keeping people in the loop about our doings...
This is my "reading" week.... ok.. so it ends tomorrow.... and I have my first Exam Tuesday... my 2nd exam (closed book!!!!!!!) on Thursday.... and my last one on the 6th of May... so... Tuesday, Civil Procedure is D-O-N-E!!!!!! Thursday is Constitutional Law... and since I love my prof and I want to take Con Law II.... I will only be done with it till the fall.... lastly will be Contracts... I truly believe I am MORE confused about Contracts than I was when I began... everything is a contract.... or is it???? Hmmm.... there are "contracts" all around us... yet... it's like a huge conspiracy.... are they really contracts???? CivPro is just.... well.... the cases WOULD be interesting... if it wasnt for the failure of one attorney to follow one of the thousands of Federal Rules Of Civil Procedure.... I swear... I know we need rules... but... geez.... these are WAY over the top.... The only class I think I get is Con Law.... of course it is closed book...so I have to know it much better... the other classes are open book... aka gotta have a fantastic outline!!!!
So... that is why I have been absent... added to my stress level, my kids were all sick last week... we had a bout of Strep Throat AND Pneumonia go through all the kids... our fridge is stocked up with that nasty pink antibiotics for the next 5 days... but the kids feel better... and that is what matters. I love being a mom.... but really... just some advice for those out there.... Law School is F-ing hard... and it's even worse when you have to go to a class while your toddler sits on your lap with a 103 degree fever, coughing from the pneumonia, and having to force him to drink due to the strep throat.... I'm blessed to have my kids... and I'm blessed to be going to law school... but... they do collide! I literally think I am gonna collapse on May 6th at 1pm..... I'll either collapse from pure exhaustion...or from feverish alcohol consumption.... I'll take either one! :)
I will (hopefully) be blogging either on May 1st or the 2nd... as I am working for the NLG (http://www.nlg.org/) as a legal observer for the Annual May day parade in Mexican Town... basically we are there as a buffer between the marchers and the police... our whole family is going... them for fun... and me for fun and experience...
Also... there is going to be a HUGE protest here in the Big D in June!!!! Check out http://www.michigannlg.org/ for more info! But basically... HUGE business conference here in Detroit... many of which took Gov $$$$$... so there is going to be a tent city next to the conference... I'm excited... THIS is why I am going to law school.... I want to help others... I am a worker... and I will continue to be a worker... helping other workers.... so.... this kind of stuff... very exciting for me.
So.... that is what is going on...
As for the kiddos... E is still loving preschool... hopefully K will be joining him after the beginning of May.... F is doing great... but really is being stubborn bout potty training... he can do it.. .he just simply chooses not to.... our Little Lady... Talking up a storm... and just doing great.
It will be nice when the weather stays warm and we can be outside and do things.... looking forward to it...but hoping we dont have those 90-100 degree days this year....
Well it wouldn't be a post if I didn't put some pics... so here are some random pics....
Movie Time!!!!
Our Family Easter Pic!
Easter Pic at Grandma and Grandpa's House!!!!
Our little Lady.... not impressed by the zoo....
E and K just hanging out and having fun at the zoo!