Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cubbie Awards!

Yesterday E and K finished up a year of the Awana Cubbie's Program!!!
To see what the Cubbie program is, click HERE.
Basically, it is a time to teach kids simple bible stories, simple verses, and bible songs.
They begin as Cubbies and it actually goes through high school, I believe....
So, our boys completed their entire book... learning a verse every week!

E with some of his classmates getting his certificate.

K getting his certificate

This is a picture of the kids all singing...
Yes, they are doing motions to the song...
See what my boys are doing????
Absolutely NOTHING!
In fact, K has his head laid on the rail...and E just stared off
Apparently K does not participate in group activities...
E only participates when he wants...
I'm kinda disappointed in this... but not sure if this is something I should push...

F got to play in the gym during the award ceremony.

Cubbie Bear even showed up!!!!

We are very proud of our boys for finishing their program!!!
If they continue next year they will be in the Sparks program...
F will begin Cubbies in the Fall!

1 comment:

Gardenia said...

very cool. haven't heard of cubbies. I'll be checking this out. congrats to your big boys!