So here is how this Brilliant Blogger Award works: 1st I have to answer a quick questionnaire, then I get to choose 7 bloggers who I feel are BRILLIANT (or I allow them to choose themselves!). They will post their own answers to the questionnaire on their own blog and they will choose 7 more recipients. I love the idea of recognizing brilliant bloggers, but also know that they are busy mommas too, so we'll give this one a try and see how it goes.
A. Attached or single? Married to K and attached to my cell and computer.
B. Best friend? My mom and K.
C. Cake or pie? Both, thank you! Chocolate preferred!
D. Day of choice? Thursday
E. Essential item? DVD player! Makes toddlers happy!
F. Favorite color? In clothes: Black, Everything Else: Purple
G. Gummy bears or worms? Worms...but real ones for fishing. :)
H. Hometown? Ypsilanti, MI
I. Indulgence? Raw Cookie dough...right out the package!!! Yum!!!
J. January or July? For me, January... Love Winter!! For me with kids... July! Get them kids out the house!
K. Kids? 4 under 4!!!!! I still want some more also!
L. Life isn’t complete without? My family!
M. Marriage date? June 25th, 2004
N. Number of brothers & sisters? None! My parents had perfection with me!!!!
O. Oranges or apples? Apples... HATE pulp!
P. Phobias? Ladders and things on my wrist
Q. Quotes? "Shit or get off the pot!" My engagement moment to dh! (Please dont steal my line!)
R. Reasons to smile? My 4 and early bedtimes!!!
S. Season of choice? Hunting!
T. Tag seven peeps! Uh. Ok! Tag!!!!!! Let me know if you are gonna fill this out!!!
U. Unknown fact about me? Even though I'm currently a Millwright getting ready to start law school.... I am actually a musician. French Horn player but also proficient on trumpet, flute, and play tenor sax for jazz. I cant wait to teach my kids an instrument!
V. Vegetable? Most of them... not brussel sprouts though.
W. Worst habits? Knocking myself, being too bossy, wanting to sleep too much, too much time on computer, spending money, etc.....
X-ray or ultrasound? Neither please.
Y. Your favorite food? Mexican!!!!! oh..and Pizza, and ice cream!! Ok... I just love to eat!
Z. Zodiac sign? Cancer
ANYONE ELSE??????????
Enquiring minds want to know!!!!!!
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