Monday, October 15, 2007

My Poor Neglected Little Blog has been a month or so.
Yea...I suck. No I cannot keep up with this day to day as my life is just NOT that interesting! is...but really....does everyone want to read about E peeing in the toilet??? or K talking??? or F...just being a little attitude man???
Ok...some probably do...but I dont want to write it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So...a quick summary of our lives in the past few weeks....

Took the LSAT. Yes 5 hour tests do totally suck. No I dont know how I did. I will find out on Oct 22.

Celebrated E's 2nd anniversary of being with us!!!

Celebrated K's 1st anniversary of being with us!!!

Celebrated F's Baptism!!!

Slept very little!

Yes...that is the very quick summary... I hope to use the next week or so to catch up some more!

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