Happy 2nd Birthday K-man!!!!
Today was K-man's 2nd birthday...but it was the first birthday that we got to spend with him!
We had such a wonderful day and I hope it was as wonderful for him as it was for us!!!
Dh and I were up until 2am putting together his brand new train table and his train set!
We wanted everything to be ready for when he woke up!
So, at 8:30 when the boys got up and came downstairs, they could hardly contain themselves as they came downstairs to see the new toys!!!!
We also had a couple of packs of trains, cars, and a Diego doll for K to open...but it was difficult to tear him away from the train table to open anything else!
He also got the required clothes...but he was happy with those too! He got some new jammies with Thomas and Cars, an outfit to have his pictures taken in, and a new "birthday boy" shirt! He also got an entire pack of Thomas "big boy underware"!!!
We had breakfast at Denny's (boy's choice!) and then it was off to the mall to build a bear with their Aunt P and little D!
Build A Bear was crazy!
Maybe because it was raining all day long...but it was packed in the mall...and packed in bab!
The boys took their time picking out their animals...but soon they had them picked out and we were on our way to get them stuffed!
We also picked out a bear to take to Lady L!
Lady L got a pink bear (what else?) that has magnents in it's hand and mouth that makes it look like the bear is blowing kisses. It's a really cute bear!
We also bought two voice boxes to record on and bought the bear a pink outfit complete with pink satin panties. (the panties for the bear cost me more than my own do!)
E-man picked out Shrek with his voice, K-man picked out the green dino that roars and says "I Love You", I picked out a floppy, soft, puppy for F-man, and little D picked out a black bear!
We all needed to sit down after that expierence, so we went to the food court to have lunch and open a gift.
Auntie P and little D got K-man a little train set that folds up and goes with. There are no parts to lose and of course the boys took to fighting over it immediatly!
We then headed home...and all three boys proceeded to c-r-a-s-h in the car!
Everyone woke up late from naps...so we had a late dinner.
We went to a local Mexican restaurant that we really enjoy.
The boys love taco's and beans, and chips & salsa! So, of course they were thrilled with our choice for dinner!!!!
The owner even brought them suckers after dinner and brought Kinney a HUGE hot, fudge sundae while they sang to him!
Days like today are hard to get through without a lot of emotion.
Not only are my kids growing up...but I also think about the other people in our lives.
C, K's foster mom called us today to wish him a Happy Birthday! I am so happy that she did! I know that she misses him alot! She raised him for 14 months and she loves him like a son! It was so nice to hear from her!
I also spent a part of the day thinking about K's first mom.
This has to be a horrible anniversary for her. While I adore my boys....I still realize that I cannot replace their first families. I cannot make up for the losses that they have already had in their young lives. I cannot make up for a woman not being able to raise her own child.
I would like soo much to be able to have contact with her....just to maybe take the doubt of how he is doing away....to show her that he is happy and healthy and very loved.
I like to think that she misses him and that she thinks about him but at the same time I would rather her not be in pain. I hope she is at peace with her decision.
We also got a phone call from our friends in Mexico today!
They said they will be heading up to see us in Oct!!!
So, we need to check with our priest and see if F-man can be baptiszed while they are here since they (along with his foster mom) are going to be his God Parents!
I cant wait to see them!!!
This will also be their first time meeting the boys!!!
I'm sure the boys are gonna be spoiled while they are here!
I have got to get working harder on my Spanish!!!!!
I am going to be the only translator between dh and our friends!
I'm sooo thankful though that they are coming after the LSAT!!!!!!
I would NOT be able to handle it if they came before!
Although....they may be here when I get my score.... That, in itself could be scarey!
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