Sunday, March 23, 2008


Well... today is Easter Sunday!!!!
Got to dress the boys up in their new suits!!!!!!! Just LOVE the little suits in them!!!

We are spending the night up north and then heading home in the morning.

Dh met all of us up here for mass this morning... went to mass... then out for breakfast!

Got soo much of my sewing done!!!!!

Both of the blankets are cut and ready to be pinned together to have the binding put on them... I am sooo loving how E's blanket is turning out!!!!!

I will be sure to post pics here when I am is probably the last big sewing project that I will be undertaking till after LS... (Law School)

It is so helpful to have my mom help me with all the cutting and pinning. It is so difficult to accurately measure out these blankets and such without someone holding the end still.... is a motivating factor! Especially since I have been soo without sleep! UUUGGGG! Just hoping the boys sleep tonight!!!! I just need like one day of nothing but sleep... not sickness sleep... had enough of that with the strep throat...but just sleep. One day... one day.

Well...speaking of sleep!

Ate way too much turkey and fixing today!!!!!!!!

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Glad your day was good!!!
