Monday, December 17, 2007
Done with Cards!
So, I hoping to have them in the mail tomorrow!!!! Well...not our cards to Guatemala...or Mexico... but... uh.... I'll just blame the post office or something!!
I got the nerve up today to call PGN and inquire about our case! I'm glad I did! I got right through and found out we are with the 2nd reviewer. So... we have not been ko'd yet...but we are not signed out yet either.
In one way, I wish I could have been more practical in being pro-active with our last two cases...but I"m not sure it would have helped. This time, I'm just so damm scared that I'm trying to keep my head up...but its hard. So, the fact I got right through...the fact our entrace date was right!!!!, the fact that we are with the 2nd reviewer, it makes me accept our fate easier. At least for the time being! I will try to call again...but, I'm not sure if I should even bother till the beginning of the year or so. Dh and I have talked about taking another visit. Maybe in Feb/March...athough we have two birthdays at that time... but it would be great to have their birthdays there! Still gotta get little mans passport! Shoot.... I just need to win the lottery!
We have almost dug ourselves out from the snow! Actually dh HAD us dug out...then the nice county plow guy pushed a whole lot of it back into our damm driveway! So, dh had to dig us out again this morning before we could go anywhere. Snow plows... love them, hate them. Now... snowmobiles... love them, love them!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Our Christmas Pics!
I am so happy how they turned out! However, I'm very disappointed that I couldn't afford to buy more pictures. So, I guess I will have to make up for it by taking a whole lotta pics with MY camera...hmmm... maybe I should ask for a new camera for Christmas!!! Yea!!!! I'm sure that would be a great plan...
Anyways... I am very happy with our photographer!
She does participate in the Celebrate Adoption Sessions and that is how we found her!
She is a ways away from our house...but I'm so glad that the distance didn't deter us!
I cant wait till Lady L gets home!!! Not only because I want her home...but also so that we can get some more awesome pics!!!!
As for other events....
We had a HUGE snowstorm!!!!!!!! I got the boys out in the snow today!!!!!! Gotta dump the pics...they are cute! E and K had a bunch of fun...but this is F's first cold weather winter (under 50 degrees) I am not sure if he knows what to think or not. He likes it and then a few seconds later he doesn't like it. E likes it as long as the snow doesn't touch his skin. K likes it till he has to move. He must feel like he cant walk in the snow yet. He did fall a few times and he had a fit! Although I did get down in the snow with them and roll around to show them it doesn't hurt ya or anything! I even got them to get into a little snowball fight with me! Unfortunately the snow is not good for packing yet....soon as it is, I am off to build a snowman!!!! E kept asking for one...and I tried to explain it to him...but yea... he didn't get it! I don't either some I cant blame him!
My mom and dad are here right my mom helped me with some wrapping gifts and such! I only have one more bag to wrap...and I need to buy a few small things for our little man. I found out that HE doesn't have a single gift that is his alone that isn't clothes... I feel bad cuz he is just a year younger than his bro's that he is too small for their toys... so, I need to find a couple of things that are for just him. I am NOT looking forward to shopping....but I will do it!
I have been absolutely stalking adoption websites for the past week or so... not that I am not a regular...but I have been checking like multiple times a day....
That is ONE thing I hate... I hate the panic! Especially this time around with the law changing in Guatemala and such. There is even more of an urgency this time around. I just feel like our file HAS to be out of pgn by Jan. 1st...or ELSE! Not that this is reality or anything...but it is MY reality for right now... so, anxiously looking for outs that are around our submit dates! I also might try my hand at calling.... I'll see in the morning how I feel about it. It's like those that fear doctors cuz the dr might find something wrong.... I'm afraid to call and have my hopes dashed due to a previo. But...then again, I could find out good news too! Oh what to do???
Well... I need to finish stuffing Christmas Cards!!!! They HAVE to be in the mail soon... unless I consider them New Years cards... then I guess I would gain a week to procrastinate!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Praying for a Christmas Miracle!
We should know.... K's file was in the hole for 6 months... F's was in there for 9 months... I remember the pain like it was yesterday.... I remember the numbness... the fear... the unknown... I couldnt stand to think about how much they were growing while our file was sitting there...and then new papers would have to be done...and then it would go back in.... and sit... and over and over. It was horrible!
However, that was then. That was with our old attorney/facilitator... we have a different attorney this time around.... we werent even IN pgn at 4 months with K or F... so... I guess I should feel different this time around... but with the Ortega law and the Hague just around the corner... I just feel sad. Sad for the little Lady...sad for us.... sad for her brothers...sad for her mom.... and of course, I feel horrible for the children who are going to be left behind if these laws do effectivly stop adoptions.
This year will be F man's first Christmas with us! We are very excited as K and E are kinda getting into the spirit of things this year. I keep praying that Lady L will have Christmas with us next year. I would also LOVE to celebrate her 1st birthday with her!!! I know it is not so much for her....but for ME!
Anyways.... I know this will be a special Christmas! I am almost done with my shopping... just need to order a couple of things and they are coming from it shouldnt be that bad! I have battled the stores already this year... I'm done with all that! I just really need my dad's present...and I'm done...then I get to wrap everything!!! I am working on quilts for the boys... I may get one or two done...but I doubt I will get all of them done.... Maybe if I can get a couple of evenings free from the toddlers I could get them all done...but at the rate I'm going....nope! I have a very good start on one though.... so maybe if I just get motivated enough... it can happen!
I hope the boys like their things this year.... I have sold some of their things from last year already.... they looked sooo fun on tv... but the boys didnt really get into them.... hope the same thing doesnt happen this year. Unfortunatly for them...but fortunaly for us... they are getting quite a bit of clothes this year!!!! Especially pj's! They really need them! I think we have a couple more years of passing pj's off as gifts!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
So Sad.....
Had to call comcast and PAY to see the game...
and then... bamm! What the heck happened???? HELLO????
Now Favre is hurt... I'm seeing the season slipping away....
Anyways... we got some nice ice and a little snow last night... we had to run out and get some litter and such and man was it slipperly! The hail even hurt when it hit ya... but it is on its way to melting now.
The snow I love... the ice I can do without!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tomorrow is a BIG Night!!!!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Frankie's First Snow!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
What were we celebrating????
- My boys and their sister!
- My parents!
- My husband!
- Health!
- The roofs over our heads!
- Our educations and the fact that our kids will have education!
- Health Care
- Jobs
- Our Democratic System
- The ELECTIONS next year!
Really though... I mean Thanksgiving is such a nice, family holiday that doesnt revolve around presents and such... but still...what are we really celebrating???
The initial premise behind this holiday is imperialism and rascism.
Granted... I am hugely blessed to live here in the US... the more I travel, the more blessed I am. However, I cant help to think about the true meaning of this holiday.
I dont believe it is at all like "popular" though would lead us to believe. White man landing here for the most part was nothing but plundering, pillaging, and massacuring those who were already here. It is difficult to look at my boys who are part indiginious, and think of how many people were eliminated. I know in this day and age that ethinic genocides are still happening. It is all too curious to me why. Yes...on one level I do understand. On yet another level I absolutly do not.
Well.... as long as we are aware of what we are truly celebrating.... as I have been teaching my boys the real meaning of many holidays.... I hope that everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!
I know our dinner is now over....and just waiting for my pie to cool.... and then sit in front of the tv the rest of the night while my rugrats run crazy around the house....
Living the dream! Everyday!
Our Visit Trip!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
So much to write....
I have sooo much to write about....just soo little time right now to do it.
So.... One of the things I am hoping to be thankful for tomorrow... is time to update this blog!
Our little girl is a complete doll!!!!!!
Oh....and....just so that I can get the winning vibe going....
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Where O Where Did That Week Go???
Uh...well...uh... I'm almost packed! Yea... 10:30 at night and our laundry room is alive and well! Clothes are piled high in the laundry room and the blanket materials are still sitting on my dresser in my bedroom....far, far away from the sewing machine in which it will need to be on in order to be done. I wanted to do it tonight...but... I guess I cant figure out how to type and sew at the same time. Gosh...can you imagine how much money I could make if I could figure THAT out??? Now That is something that could be usefull!!!!!
I think our boys are all over their sickies now.... hopefully dh and I are done with them too! There is nothing worse than having to travel while sick....
I cant wait to post an update from Guatemala City!!!!!
Oh my... we are so in trouble. We got new pics of our little lady...and she is SUCH a doll.
Half of the suitcase is full of clothes.... she is going to be a beautiful model!
Getting excited now!!!! Will NOT be able to sleep AT ALL tommorrow night!!!!!!!!
I just hope she sleeps.... nothing worse than baby that wont sleep. She is young enough that we are going to have to wake up to feed her in the middle of the night....that may not settle well with K-man...but we didnt want to get a suite this time. So, he will just have to learn to sleep through it...or not sleep when she is not sleeping! Hopefully though we can wear him out enough in the swimming pool and at McD's so that he does sleep through the night!
Gotta get on those blankets!!!!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Meeting Lady L!!!!!
I also got to indulge in a little retail therapy!!!
I bought 9 new outfits for the little lady!!!!
I do hate shopping for her though....gawd I was such on pink overload... YUCK!
I think I did pretty well though... kept it under $70 for 9 outfits, 2 pairs of shoes, and a dvd for the boys!
So need to go back there and buy some pj's for the boys... they are growing sooo quick!
but...did I mention that I am GOING TO GUATEMALA CITY SOON!!!!!!!!!!!
I am.... A little excited!!!!!!!!!
Ok...I am a little nervous... but VERY excited!!!!
Hold on Lady L!!!! Momma and Daddy are coming down to meet ya!!!!!
Still Recovering
I found out once again that it is possible to fit 4 people in a bed...and can that I can have a fruitful day even with about an hour of sleep.
We had a day of many first's yesterday!
The boys ate their first meal at Waffle House!!! (one of their mom's favorite restaurants!)
The boys ate their first meal at Tony Packo's!!! (also, one their mom's favorite restaurants!)
The boys went to the Hungarian Butcher for the first time! We stopped in Toledo (also where Tony Packo's is!) to get kobash (Hungarian Sausage) and abat selena (dried,fatty bacon, topped with a LOT of paprika) sounds not so appatizing...but very good!
We then finally got to my our house, I got dinner in the oven and just kinda hung out till dinner was over with. Had an awesome dinner of fresh kobash, sauerkraut, and cheese dumplings! Yummy!
I then got an awesome night of sleep!!! BY MYSELF!!!!!!
My parents had breakfast with us this morning...and then they went home. I always hate when they go home... the boys keep asking about them...and I tell them they are at home and they look around the house...
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Hotel Room Frenzy
My dh stayed home...and was out last night... while I was playing a game of "how many people can sleep in 1 queen size bed!!!"
I'm not sure how many people can sleep in a queen size bed...but I'm betting that if we tried to find out with my boys we could fit many more on as each one of them only wants to sleep ON me!
They were so good on the 4 hour drive down here....
We stopped a few times to stretch and restroom breaks... but they were really good.
Then we got here and they saw the P-O-O-L! Wow!!!! We arent going to sleep for 3 days!!!!
They did take a nap.... then went to dinner... then we went in the water....
I killed my back so bad trying to hold three toddlers who cant swim.... in 3 foot of water.... tonight when they wake up from their nap we are going shopping for some floaties!!!!
After the swim, they came up, got showered, and in bed.... 10 minutes was all it took for K to wake up screaming... so I tried to take care of him...but he wasnt having I turned on the monitor and went to my parents room to watch tv.... came back to our room at 12am... K isnt tired... he wont even let me pee by myself... I get ready (with him attached to my leg) and get in bed....
I fell fast asleep... I get woke up by F screaming! I run over to his crib and before I get the 4 steps it takes me to get there...K is now standing in bed in full frenzy!!!!!! I grab F and look at the clock... uh... yea... like 3:45 am!!!!!!!
Of course now E is also awake! Now I have THREE toddlers screaming at the top of their lungs! I would have been waiting for the phone to ring had I not had to unplug it too keep the little ones from calling around the world! I was trying to do my best to get everyone to settle down.... It really wasnt working...but I kept moving kids around to find the spot they would actually sleep.... YEA RIGHT!!!
About 2 hours later... yep...around 6 am... I was finally able to move F back to his crib, E back to his bed, and get K to stop crying.... during those two hours, I was screamed at, kicked at, and the boys fought over who could sleep next to me... mental note... 3 kids...2 sides... doesnt really work!!!!
My phone began ringing at 7:30.... it was my mom...they had woken up early and wanted to go get breakfast.... uh... sure... oh...and the crying started all over again!!!!
But.....we did have a great time at the museum!!!!! We saw soo many planes...and many of the planes that my dad used to work on as an Air force Mechanic! The boys were very good in the museum and they were good at lunch! The best part is... I'm typing right now cuz they are fast asleep!!!!!!!
We are going to dinner...and then having dessert at McD's playland.... Like I have said before... nothing induces good sleep like playing at McD's for an hour or two!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saying Goodbye
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Getting there...slowly
Our secret weapon to MAKE them want to go to bed???
Yes...we went to family actitivity night...although they boys were pretty dissappointed... See they have hot wheel toys right now...and they were completely OUT of toys...
What??? OUT OF TOYS??? oh the tears that were shead last night!!!
The only thing that brought them back to happiness was ice cream. Yes... I hate to see my boys cry! So, we treated them (an us, of course) to some ice cream!
Well I am anxiously awaiting new pics of Lady L...and to see how much she has grown over the last month. Oh...and I wonder if she has some earings now??? I hope soo!!!!
We are still debating over a visit trip...but looks like if we do it, it would be in the beginning of Dec. Just wish I knew the right thing to do here....
Anyone have a crystal ball for me????
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The croup is CRAP!
I hadnt either...but then again there are alot of things I didnt know about until I became a parent.
2 of my boys have the croup. Basically...they cough...and cough...and cough...and cough.
Oh...and then they throw up because they have coughed so much. Then they return to coughing.
This is the first day in 6 days that they have been able to sleep without me. does give me a great feeling to know that the boys want me to be near them...but it kinda dims the warm moment when they cough continuously in your face while you are trying to sleep.
I do feel sorry for the little buggers... it isnt their fault that they are so sick. They also dont understand yet that they will get better...they just sit there coughing and crying. It can wear ya down after awhile. But, at least K man is beginning to feel that is good...and they are sleeping on their own...and that is GREAT!!!!!
Maybe now I can get down to the business of writing my damm personal statement for my law school apps.... yea...that is what I need to do!!! should have already been done...but I'm a slacker. That is S-L-A-C-K-E-R. I seem to write much better under pressure...but not self inflicted pressure. So, I'm going to have to come up with a strategy on how to get some "pressure" to do this...way before the actuall date. People like me truly need to get their applications in early. I dont have the most attractive application as it I dont need to get it to them after they have had thousands of more attractive ones... I might look better the earlier they see my application. At least that is what I keep telling myself.
I had thought about just using an online profile for my statement...but then again I would actually like to go to law school...and not just waste the 80-100$$$ that it cost to apply to these schools. If it were free....hmmm...maybe.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
F-man's Baptism
Monday, October 15, 2007
My Poor Neglected Little Blog
Yea...I suck. No I cannot keep up with this day to day as my life is just NOT that interesting! is...but really....does everyone want to read about E peeing in the toilet??? or K talking??? or F...just being a little attitude man???
Ok...some probably do...but I dont want to write it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So...a quick summary of our lives in the past few weeks....
Took the LSAT. Yes 5 hour tests do totally suck. No I dont know how I did. I will find out on Oct 22.
Celebrated E's 2nd anniversary of being with us!!!
Celebrated K's 1st anniversary of being with us!!!
Celebrated F's Baptism!!!
Slept very little!
Yes...that is the very quick summary... I hope to use the next week or so to catch up some more!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I am seriously flipping out right now!!!!
MY LSAT IS IN ONE WEEK!!!!!! would love to say that is all I have been doing...but of course, with a hubby and three toddlers it is very obvious that is NOT all I have been doing....
Well..I am having a root canal tomorrow! I'm soo excited!!!! *puke*
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Labor Day Weekend
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
So Much Fun!
It hit the fan...
It's been a week....I lost an entire week!
Tuesday (last Tuesday) I went to my LSAT class... kinda felt like blah...but I chalked it upto taking a nap and then getting woke up...had a Jimmy John's sub and soda for dinner... and then had to sit down and take a logical reasoning test.... about 10 min into the test I realized that my head was completely cloudy and that I am now freezing. Uhhhh...I know it is like 100 degrees in the room...I wasnt cold 5 min ago...or was I??? I finished my exam and then just stood up and rocked in place. I know I looked like some wierdo or something...but something was horribly wrong. It was my very BEST logical reasoning section I have ever done!!!!
I got in the car...told my hubby that I was sick and that I was going home and going to bed.
I did help him put the kids to bed...I spent 5 min looking at the tv and then went out.
Woke up freezing my butt off at 3am...couldnt swollow...throat was so swollen....head hurt like hell, both my ears were killing me, sinuses were completely blocked. It was horrible. I had to puposley swollow and it was sooo painful. I was sweating horribly...I stunk... I decided to take a shower. Probably not the best ideal I have ever had...but once I got control of my shivering it was better. I cannot believe how sick I was. 103 fever for 3 days. Hubby got me into the dr. I walked in and people started to move away from me. The people who I usualy talk to there took one look at me and felt bad. Saw my nurse friend and she couldnt believe how bad I looked. Took all my vitals then told me to lay down. Fell completely asleep on the little bed when my dr. walked in. She took one look at me and told me I must feel like hell.... thanks....
Well after 2 throat strep. Took blood to test for mono...otherwise it is probably viral. Go home and sleep. Gee....I hadnt thought about that. Although it was kinda wierd that she kept apologizing to me. Went home, fell into bed...didnt wake up for another 6 hours.
Thursday I had to watch my two boys and the grandkids while hubby took K-man to his 2 year checkup. What a horrible 3 hours! OH my! All I want to do is to crawl back into bed....and I'm getting sassed by a damm 8 year old! Not my finest few hours. Hubby and K finally got home...and off to bed I went for the rest of the night. I left the house on Friday night....we took all the kids to McD's. I was soo beat after just a few minutes...but I hung in there and the kids had a good time. I did not sleep well that night at all.
On Saturday, my parents were here because they had their 50th class reunion! Congrats mom and dad!!!! We went to breakfast at Denny's (E's choice) and then had to go to the store for dipers and such. I was so out of it. It was really terrible how out of it I was. I slept the rest of the day. Then got up, had dinner, got in an argument with hubby, went back to bed. Felt almost fine on least I could swollow...THAT is a huge improvement!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Logic Games
I really want to be a lawyer....I really want to go to law school (ok...I want to be a lawyer without going to law school!) but.... I DO NOT WANT TO TAKE THE LSAT!!!!
I have been taking the LSAT Extreme classes.... 3 times a week for 15 weeks. 3 1/2 hours at a time. I just dont think I am getting it. I want to. I want to think that I am improving...but my scores dont reflect that. I know this isnt a test that people get 100% on...but damm...would I love to get close to that!!!!!
I have two schools that I am going to apply to....but not sure if I should even bother with the one. If my practice scores dont go up sometime soon, I'm gonna keep my $80 for the application fee and buy me a couple cases of beer instead of filling out the application.
Oh..yea...and I need to get going on my personal statements!!! Y-U-C-K!!!!!!
I would rather have an interview...but they apparently dont do those you have to write what you think they want to hear about you. I have no ideal what I am going to write about. I mean... I think I am pretty interesting...but come on! I'm not sure these people are going to enjoy the same story... Then....what really do I talk about??? My theory on life? My kids? The time I spend on the computer???
I'm stumped.
I have read a few books on how to write these things...they include samples that are sooo above me it is unreal. Like a 20 year old that finished their masters degree while serving in the peace corps in middle Africa. How they speak 14 languages and hope to learn 10 more, how much community service they do, blah, blah, blah.
Hi there... I'm a 30 year old woman with 3 toddlers who has a bad back who thinks she can do some good as a Civil Rights lawyer.
It doesnt quite fit for a whole page!
Knowing me, my paper will be too political or something and the person reading will be a high strung conservative. My completely left leaning views might be enough to ensure I dont get into ANY law school in the state!
Oh well.... it is something that I am just gonna have to suck up and do!
Maybe in my free time!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Happy 2nd Birthday K-man!!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Wednesday..... Wednesday we attempted to go to the local county fair.
There were the 5 of us, Auntie Kate, and our friends Auntie P and Little D.
They wanted to charge each of us $12 to enter the see cows!!!!!!!
Ooooh that did NOT go over well with us!!!!!
Why should it cost that much you ask??? Well admission gets you unlimited rides for the day!!!
That is GREAT!!!!! I'm soo happy that you have lots of rides for the UNDER 2 Group!!!!
Are you Kidding me???? I can see if you want to ride...then buy a wrist band! That simple! But to charge everyone, to the youngest baby to the eldest elder...$12... no matter if you want to ride a ride or not....that is crazy and o so-not worth it!
Dh did I, but to 2 seperate people.... the wonderful and nice woman that I talked to told us if we only wanted to see the animals that we could go around the gate and just go in to do that is what we did!
After getting in for free, I still felt robbed. There were hardly no animals there at all.... sure there were quite a few bunnies and chickens...but only about 8 cows, a few sheep, some llamas, and that was that. There were some horses there...but they were clear across the fair, and it was raining...oh and I am scared to death of horses so, I was not interested in getting soaked to see them. There were hardly any thank goodness I didnt get a booth there...though I had thought about it!
So...we may go to the state fair....gotta work on the dh a little.... I think it would be fun...if anything it gets us out of the house for a while and gets the kids out. They do love their animals! Especially cows! They even moo at them! it's sooo cute!
Well...after the bust of a fair, we decided to do something more fun for the off to the Golden Arches we went! I never in my wildest dreams thought I would eat more big macs as a mom than I did as a college student! Although... I will say that the McD high of playing in the play area and getting orange drink, a cheeseburger, apples, and a toy does last for a couple of days!!! Maybe that would be a good option for investment!
We didnt have enough at McD's...or maybe we stayed there too long...but we also went for ice cream! Oh how I looove Ice Cream!!!! We had a good time there too as E-man had his spongebob popsicle and Little D had spiderman. The boys then spent a good hour or so running around in the yard and trying to climb the trees. They are sure going to have fun in the next few years all playing together! It is a LOT of fun to watch them all!!!! I'm so blessed to have three wonderful sons (and one soon to be daughter)!
Well...I need to find a Thomas the Train cake and such for K-man's 2nd Birthday!!!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
GAFE 07!
We spent the weekend there for GAFE (Guatemalan Adoptive Family Event)!
We had a fabulous time!
We left out of here on Thursday morning...aka 5am! Took the Ohio turnpike to PA, PA turnpike to NJ, and to our hotel! It was actually a very relaxed trip. Dh was very pleasent on this trip, even stopped to look at a Harley dealer in PA, we stopped for a nice lunch at Perkins at bfe PA, and was very nice about letting me find things to listen to rather than kill me by making me listen to rush and hanity and assorted loonies.
The Sharaton hotel we stayed at was beautiful although a bit odd looking. I saw photos online and laughed that they would not build a hotel to look like that...but they did... It is built to look like a castle. It looks extremely strange but it is very nice inside. It had many meeting rooms, a huge gathering area (with free wireless for those people who's mother board did not go out on them) 2 swimming pools (one inside, one outside), a nice bar, a restaurant (little too expensive for us though) and our room was great!
We took little F with us as it is too soon to leave him....and the GP's spoiled E-man and K-man for the weekend... I'm fairly convinced that little F had a great time! He introduced himself to two older boys by pushing them in the stomach and from then on they were insepretable. They really took great care of him and all three seemed to have a great time. Dh seemed to have a great time also! He really can be a sociable person when he wants to be...and in settings like this, he usually wants to be! I had a great time also...but it was not all play! I was actually there to work and that is what I did for most the night Friday and all day Sat. I had a great time though connecting with people I have met before and I met soo many new friends while I was there!
We are planning already on going to the next one! Next time though we will take all the kids. I think it is a great expierence for them. Not only to see kids like them...but to feel some connection to a far away place.... they had so many activities for the kids and it was all focused around Guatemala and Guatemalan traditions... they made kites, they sang songs, made music, had Spanish lessons... etc. The older kids had talking groups and things like that. It seemed like everyone had a wonderful time...and I'm positive that our boys will totally be in their element when they go with us to the next event. I cannot believe how all three of our boys are soo socialble! I'm soo happy!!! I know how hard it is to be more of an introvert and wishing I could do things like this.... I'm glad to think they might not know that pain. I'm thrilled that they are friendly and open enough that they will have many friends and not feel the lonliness that I have felt over the years. It's great!
I cant wait till next year!
When it Rains....
First.... my desktop was acting up. Running connection slow..... not able to successfully save things..... then...... THE BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH!!! NOW????? I didnt panic too bad...just turned the computer off and turned it back on..... whew.... it started up! Well....maybe it did..... it starting up???????
So...1800-Im freaking out please fix my dell!!!!!!
We try this....and that....and this....and that....and talk....and complain....and sit in silence....and try something new...and I'm gettin put on hold.....and nope, that didnt work.... and then.... while I see my favorite color on the screen.... I hear silence.... yep.... the phone got disconnected....
So....I sat there dumbfounded.... I have been on the phone with this guy for almost 3 hours.... and now he is gone.... Well...he took my phone number...he is gonna just have to call me back!
Right!!!! So...after waiting for a half-hour it is now 1am....I need to sleep!!!! I call them back.... of course I get a different guy..... he is a complete jerk.
Talks to me for 5 min...criticizies the things I did.... then tells me that everything is probably gone from my hard-drive and I will have to restart everything....tells me it will take about 3 hours.
What???? 5 min and this is your diagnosis???? Me no think so!
So...I very impolitely told him NO Way! and I hung up on him.
I was so devestated.... I had not religiously backed up my pics.... did I lose them all??? did I really lose the pics of my boys???? Did I really lose all of my emails??? How would I get in touch with everyone???
Next morning....we were off to the repair place.... *sniff sniff*
While THIS was going on.... while we were away for the weekend.... my laptop's mother board decides to go out..... so...... soon as we took the desktop in I was back on the phone to get my laptop fixed.....
Friday both my computers are back in business!!!!!
The laptop works great...but I still cant get online with the desktop.... call my isp....its not them.... then the guy tells me that they probably messed it up while repairing it! What???? Are you kidding me????
So...I ran out and bought a new modem...and TA-DA!!!!!
Although it has made me open my eyes about backing up....I gotta do it this week....seriously.
Monday, July 30, 2007
We had a great time though! The boys were perfect all day long! They especially loved the petting zoo! They had about 12 billy goats to brush and pet and all of the boys got a huge kick out of that! I thought that F would have been absolutly scare of the goats...but once he saw the other boys petting them...he was right in there with them.
The only freakout we had the whole day was from F...we were all near the glass watching the hippos swim...well I thought F might want a better look, so I put him right up to the glass...well...I wont be doing THAT again! He really got freaked out by that! So, the rest of the day I just made sure that he kept his distance from the glass/bars and it was fine!
I have to laugh though... E was talking to my mom last night...she asked what he saw... "cows". Are you sure??? Did you see anything else?? "no... Cows". I guess the moral of the story is... save the money and gas and just take him down the road to see cows next time!!!!
I'm hoping the weather cooperates tomorrow and we can go to the water park! It is supposed to be horribly hot this week... one reason I am not thrilled about summer.... bring on the cool weather!!!!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
My quick intro!
Our players:
Me - 30, female, Musician by design, Millwright by trade, huntress, political junkie, professional student, beer drinker, ultra liberal
Old Man - 65 (for now), male, my husband, cranky by design, Millwright by trade, hunter, beer drinker, professional complainer, reformed liberal
E-man - 2, male, oldest son, happy, loves girls, juice and milk drinker
K-man - almost 2!, male, middle son, kinda sensitive, loves girls too, drinks juice and milk, wants to be professional wrestler or center for the Green Bay Packers!
F-man - 1, male, youngest son, happiest of all, loves anything sweet.
Lady L - just born! More info to come!